But today! Today is my birthday.
Well sort of.
Technically, I was born at 9:15pm CST in a hospital (from what I understand, the same hospital as Garth Brooks) in Tulsa, Oklahoma. People of Earth, you're welcome. What this means, though, is that because of time travel, I will not *actually* turn 25 until 11:15am tomorrow morning. But the numbers on the calendar are right at this moment, so today's the celebration day.
Side note: given my awesomeness, why isn't this an intergalactic holiday?
So what am I doing for my birthday, inquiring minds want to know (and also the National Enquirer). Well let me tell you how my day is gonna go: when I get home from school, I will go home and have cake. I'm envisioning something moldy, out of Great Expectations.
Taste my delicious sadness!
Channeling Miss Havisham.
I might put up a video of this, but it all might make you guys just too jealous. And I wouldn't want to that.
(Post-Script for people who might be a little worried, I will actually be celebrating with friends. But afterwords! Dickensian dystopia HERE I COME)
A very merry unbirthday to you!